Single Molecule Quantum-Effect Electronic Devices


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This paper examines multi-terminal quantum-effect devices. These devices are envisioned to be utilized in emerging molecular gates (Mgates) and neuronal hypercells for expected molecular integrated circuits. In addition to molecular-centered processing and memories, MEdevices are of importance in molecular sensing and interfacing applications. We concentrate on the device-level analysis researching transitions and interactions which are due to quantum phenomena and effects exhibited by microscopic (molecular) systems. Our ultimate objective is to analyze the controlled electron transport, study the I-V characteristics, evaluate performance and assess device capabilities.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Nanotechnology 2011: Electronics, Devices, Fabrication, MEMS, Fluidics and Computational
Published: June 13, 2011
Pages: 58 - 61
Industry sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topics: Nanoelectronics, Photonic Materials & Devices
ISBN: 978-1-4398-7139-3