What is a Transistor?



After 75 years of learning vacuum tube and solid state electronics in three human generations, we now come to the end of the complete understanding of what is a transistor. It is far beyond, eight times beyond and 60 years and 80 years beyond, that of the John R. Pierce Transistor (1948) coined for the Bardeen Brattain Shockley unexplained experimental transistor effects (1948) and for the two Shockley theoretical, therefore invented, transistors (1949 BJT and 1952 JG FET) which have dominated all applications and human life for the last 60 years to this day. The name transistor is also appropriate for the many, very many, Lilienfeld conceived and claimed transistors (1926 1933). This second keynote, four years from the first presented by these authors at the WCM2005, will review the latest transistors and the transistor history in light of the latest state of the arts, as degenerate forms of the transistor, including the Bipolar FETs, the Carbon nanoTube FETs and the other degenerate forms of the semiconductor transistor elemental and compound, valence and organic, and macroscopic, microscopic quantum, micro biological and macro biological.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Nanotechnology 2009: Biofuels, Renewable Energy, Coatings, Fluidics and Compact Modeling
Published: May 3, 2009
Pages: 541 - 541
Industry sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topic: WCM - Compact Modeling
ISBN: 978-1-4398-1784-1