A Trial Report: HiSIM-1.2 Parameter Extraction for 90 nm Technology


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This paper reports HiSIM-1.2 Spice model parameter extraction for a practical 90 nm technology devices. The extraction sequence with the measurement data will be exhibitted. The number of optimized HiSIM parameters were only 19 out of 89. And the result verified the HiSIM-1.2 model scalability down to 100 nm with several improvement points.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 2
Published: March 7, 2004
Pages: 147 - 150
Industry sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topic: Compact Modeling
ISBN: 0-9728422-8-4