Hierarchical Simulation Approaches for the Design of Ultra-Fast Amplifier Circuits

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In this work, the design and development of ultra-fast amplifier circuits is investigated using a combination of simulation tools, including PSPICE. A fully depleted SOI transistor is designed based on state-of-the-art fabricated devices. To calibrate the transistor performance, an analysis of the frequency response is conducted using a fullband particle-based simulation tool, and the device is shown to operated in the TeraHertz regeme. The SOI device parameters are then extracted and are used to build a high frequency amplifier circuit in PSPICE. A full analysis of the impact of design parameters on the dc gain, bandwidth and power consumption is performed. The high-frequency limitations in PSPICE are also investigated.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 2
Published: March 7, 2004
Pages: 33 - 36
Industry sector: Advanced Materials & Manufacturing
Topics: MEMS & NEMS Devices, Modeling & Applications, Nanoelectronics
ISBN: 0-9728422-8-4