Silver Nanowires for Plasmon Induced Enhancement of Optical Absorption in Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells


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Plasmonic effects for photovoltaics are investigated through this communication. We present here an innovative design with integrated silver nanocylinders located at the rear side of a thin crystalline silicon cell. Numerical simulations (FDTD) show that such inclusion of metallic nanostructures leads to an enhancement of the extinction cross-sections in the near infrared spectral range and an increase of the absorbed power density at these wavelengths. First experiments devoted to fabrication of such simulated structures in order to confirm the obtained theoretical results will be also reported.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Nanotechnology 2013: Bio Sensors, Instruments, Medical, Environment and Energy (Volume 3)
Published: May 12, 2013
Pages: 576 - 579
Industry sector: Energy & Sustainability
Topic: Solar Technologies
ISBN: 978-1-4822-0586-2