Extended Applications of Picomolar Technology to Measure Immunoactive Biomarkers

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The picotechnology extended use in marine and biology applications are reported after our report on picotechnology to measure picomolar quantities of single stranded DNA in evaluation of Texotere chemosensitivity (TCRT,2008,28(6):175). Lead and mercury poisoning is a life threatening to fish and animals with irreversible neurological, cardiovascular and reproductive damage. The biophysical interactions of minute quantities of lead and mercury with blood are not detectable. Fish albumin protein was major transporter in blood to interact with mercury and lead ions in solution. Single strand DNA, interleukin IL-8, nitric oxide and fucosidase estimations posed difficulty due to their picomolar quantities. Our hypothesis was that picomolar concentrations of mercury and lead strongly affect albumin properties in solution. We present the applications of major biomolecules in picomolar quantities of single strand DNA, mercury levels, gold, anti-HIV proteins, corynbacterium fucosidase, interleulin IL-8, nitric oxide, sub-picomolar fluorescein measurements useful in detection of cancer, HIV and monitoring disease. The basic principles of dilutions, spectroscopic picomolar quantitation by genomics, picomolar fluorescent spectrometer and detection limits are displayed for readers interested in picotechnology instruments in clinics and labs. In conclusion, picomolar spectroscopy is very effective in detecting mercury, lead poisoning, immunogens, HIV and enzymes at a very early stage. It may set a new bio-inspired inexpensive platform of bio-sensing in clinical, marine applications.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 2, Nanotechnology 2009: Life Sciences, Medicine, Diagnostics, Bio Materials and Composites
Published: May 3, 2009
Pages: 239 - 242
Industry sectors: Medical & Biotech | Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topics: Chemical, Physical & Bio-Sensors, Diagnostics & Bioimaging
ISBN: 978-1-4398-1783-4