Extraction of Damping Coefficients of Comb Drive by Partitioning

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Accurate prediction of the dynamic behavior of comb-driven MEMS device is important to optimize the structure design. Viscous damping in the surrounding air determines the dynamic response of movable structures close to resonance. Viscose damping of a structure vibrating in a fluid is the integral effect of dynamic force components reacting from the fluid back to the structure. Damping analysis of comb drive was seldom studied due to its complex structure, and there is little report about the damping behavior of the whole comb structure. Due to low-cost packaging requirement, a large class of MEMS devices, such as comb-driven accelerometer, must operate at ambient gas pressures. The air molecules underneath the moving structure alter or even downgrade the device performance significantly. Comb devices require an understanding of gas damping and spring effects for accurate modeling.[7] An efficient methodology is developed in this study to consider fluid damping on MEMS devices e.g. comb-based accelerometers.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 3, Technical Proceedings of the 2005 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 3
Published: May 8, 2005
Pages: 589 - 593
Industry sector: Sensors, MEMS, Electronics
Topic: MEMS & NEMS Devices, Modeling & Applications
ISBN: 0-9767985-2-2