Overview of Overlapping Bio and Nano Technologies


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“What is the connection between nanoscience and biology?” “What are biologists doing at Nanotech 2004 and why do you have so many “bio” related sessions?” “So biologists are also jumping on the nanoscience bandwagon.” These are real questions/comments that are brought up even today. In spite of well established, classic hybrid fields such as biochemistry or biophysics, biology has long been perceived as an isolated science. This was clearly evident during the formative stages of Nanotech (erstwhile MSM/ICCN) conference series which brings together cross-disciplinary scientists to provide a forum for a free-flowing exchange of ideas. A lot has changed since then and rapid strides have been made towards merging bio- and nanotechnologies. The nano-bio association is a twoway street. Modern biology is heavily dependent on technological innovations that have improved analytical processes and, in turn, biological molecules and processes have inspired the synthesis of nanomaterials with novel properties and functionality. The purpose of this brief overview is to highlight a few hybrid topics that could reinforce the belief that nano-biotechnology as a field is here to stay and that its benefits will be clearly visible to the public much sooner than was predicted.

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Journal: TechConnect Briefs
Volume: 1, Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Volume 1
Published: March 7, 2004
Pages: 27 - 30
Industry sector: Medical & Biotech
Topics: Biomaterials, Materials Characterization & Imaging
ISBN: 0-9728422-7-6